User Library v1: Saving Tracks

Authors: @szainmehdi
Type: Feature


Build a system that allows users to save Tracks to their library on


Term Definition
Track A nawha, stored in the tracks table
Playlist A collection of nawhas with a user-defined name.
User A logged in person on

Why are we making this change?

Currently, is not very interactive. Users have no way to “favorite” nawhas, create playlists, and listen to playlists.

To enable more interactivity on the site, and entice users to sign up for an account, we’re building a feature that, to start, will start to allow users to “favorite” nawhas and save them to their library.


Detailed Engineering Design

In the backend, we’ll create a new Accounts module for all changes described below.


Keeping event sourcing in mind, we only have the following events to consider for favoriting nawhas.

  - userId: UUID
  - trackId: UUID

  - userId: UUID
  - trackId: UUID

How we store these saved tracks in a database can change in the future. What’s most important is that we capture the right events, with clarity on the intent of the event.


A few new API endpoints will need to be added to allow managing saved tracks.

Get Saved Tracks

GET /me/tracks
  Query Params: 
  - sort_by: string
  - sort_dir: "asc"|"desc"
  - per_page: int
  - page: int
  - include: Array<TrackIncludes>
-> 200 OK 
  data: Array<Track>
  meta: {
   pagination: PaginationMetadata

By default, this endpoint will sort by most recently saved tracks.


We’ll process the events above and write records to the following table.

table: saves
user_id: uuid (index)
saveable_type: [Track|Album|Reciter] (index)
saveable_id: uuid (index)
created_at: timestamp
updated_at: timestamp

Save Track

PUT /me/tracks
  ids: Array<UUID>
-> 204 No Content

Remove Saved Track

DELETE /me/tracks
  ids: Array<UUID>
-> 204 No Content


Deployment Strategy


Future Scope

Saving Albums

We’ll want to enable users to save albums in a fast-follow.


We’ll eventually want to enable users to create and manage playlists. We can use the data from these events to automatically add saved tracks to an autogenerated playlist called “Favorites”.


View Prototype on Figma